Due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus in Pakistan, the federal government ordered the closure of schools, colleges, and universities across Pakistan.
Chairperson of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Mr. Tariq Banuri said: “Educational institutions may have closed for three weeks, but no compromise is being made on studies.”
To be more specific according to thousands of posts, comments and tweets on social media by the students, it seems like teachers and students both are not prepared for online classes but they are bound to follow Higher Education Commission (HEC) directions as according to an official notification by HEC “all universities which have well-built learning management systems (LMS) should initiate online classes. This way, education will not be compromised.”
The dynamics of traditional and online education are different. Most of the teachers and students are not familiar with the advance technology which is being used and seems like students are not showing much interest in attending online classes which their universities are offering due to Universities close down because of the Corona Virus epidemic. Moreover, some students are not privileged with basic technological tools and good internet to attend these online lectures
Students seem to be extremely disappointed with the online teaching system amid COVID-19. These are the Tweets that they posted on Twitter.
This student wants HEC to suspend online classes.
This student is extremely disappointed with the online education initiative by HEC.
This student wants refund from HEC.
As HEC was receiving a lot of complaints HEC decided to inspect universities’ capacity & abilities to deliver online classes. This is the tweet that HEC posted on its official Twitter account.
If Many students are complaining about the quality of education during the online class session than things needs to be investigated and corrected on an urgent basis.
Recently #SuspendOnlineClasses started trending in Pakistan. Many of the university students have even warned authorities that they might boycott universities if the bad standard online classes are not suspended with immediate effect.
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