Pakistan has been ranked as the cheapest country to live in by the Cost of Living Index for Country 2019 report published by Numbeo.
India is listed as the third cheapest country and Tunisia as the second cheapest country. On the other hand once again Switzerland is ranked as most expensive country to live in. Iceland and Norway are the second & third most expensive countries respectively, the report says.
According to the recently published statistics, Pakistan has the lowest cost of living while Switzerland has the highest. The cost of living index of Pakistan in 2019 is recorded as 20.40 with a rent index of 4.5. The cost of living plus rent index is 12.76 while the groceries index is 18.25. Switzerland cost of living index is 121.16 which is the highest calculated cost of index in the list.
How authentic the statistics or the company who published the statistics are?
Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide.
Numbeo website was mentioned or used as a source by many international newspapers and magazines including BBC, Time, The Week, Forbes, The Economist, Business Insider, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, The Telegraph, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, China Daily, The Washington Post, USA Today and dozens more.
Report Source: Numbeo
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