Last night when I was crossing from Tariq Road outside Rehmania Masjid Graveyard opposite to Car Accessories shop and Bahria Tower, I saw an old man who was selling cold drinks and juices. He is blind from both eyes since 15 years due to blast in Karsaz, Karachi when Benazir Bhutto (Former Prime Minister of Pakistan) came to Pakistan. He lives in a 1 room flat in Tariq Road Commercial Market which he pays rent amount of 9250Rs. He recognize the amount by the note size and tecture and placing it over a 100rs note. He is very old and very poor from background. He never asked for money and just ask for prayers. He is BLIND but he is earning for the needs of his family so I request to all people living in Karachi to kindly visit him whenever you are traveling from Tariq Road near Allah Wali Chaurangi. Kindly buy some juice stuff from these people and we have to appreciate them for their efforts and this is a lesson for those peoples who are begging and cheat the public to show themself poor.

Written by Shafaq Jiwani SJ