Old Hardworking Mechanic

Today, on my way back from Internship my bike’s chain broke. There wasn’t any mechanic’s shop around so I started walking towards my destination while dragging the bike with me. After around 10 minutes, this RESPECTED OLD MAN, who’s around 68 years old, appeared and said, “Beta, ruko mn fix kr deta hun (Son, I’ll fix it for you). I looked at him and I was moved by his looks; an old man with half of his teeth gone, semi-functional polio-struck leg and also a partially damaged right hand that can not sustain too much pressure.
So, I stood my bike on the double stand and this man took his gear and then his plastic stool, put it on the ground, sit on it and started fixing the chain.
In the meanwhile, I start asking questions.
“Uncle, do you own a shop and were you on your way back home?”
- “No son, actually we provide mobile service for people whose vehicles break down on the road and they need repair.”
“So, how much do you make daily?”
-“Yesterday, I made nothing” (Still, he sustained a smile on his face but there was pain behind it, I could sense that.)
“How much do you make on a monthly basis?” - “25-30000.”
“How many children do you have & are they married?” - “Beta (Son), I have 3 kids. 2 daughters and a Son. Son’s married and pays for the rent of the house, the rest I have to pay for myself.”
“What about your daughters, are they married, are they studying?” - “A family came to see my daughter the other day & in two months I’m going to marry her. Then there will be one daughter left. Allah kher kry ga (May Allah be kind on us).”
“You’re my father’s age and seeing, you work like, this makes me feel sad.”
-“Beta, Halal RIZQ may MAZA hai (Earning fair is pleasing, Son).”
When he was done, I hugged him out of respect and offered him some cash that he asked me to put in his front pocket with my own hands which I did. After that he said: “Beta, when people like yourself treat me with respect, it really makes me feel good and I feel like what I’m doing is good for me.”
Even in this age, he’s doing the hard work of going from place to place to fix people’s vehicles to earn a living for himself.
His is daughter is getting married in two months and he’ll surely need more money than I guess he has planned.
If you think you can not help him with money, the next time your bike breaks down on the road in Islamabad (Islamabad Expressway route and adjacent areas), please call him to fix your bike. Wait a little while longer but let him be the one to fix your bike. I hope this at least can help him to earn more for his family on a daily basis.

Share this post and let more people know of him, it’ll help him. May Allah grant him more than enough to marry his daughters with honor. May Allah be kind to us all.
Written by Shafiq Bhutta