Today I was walking with my friend on Tariq Road, Karachi and I saw this old man, opposite Cafe Elemento, painting. I got inspired at once because it’s very rare to see a painter with this appearance literally sitting in a small footpath shop. When inquired, he told me that his name is Amanullah and he’s painting since his childhood. He earn his livelihood through selling paintings of landscapes. He also told me that he sells 2-3 paintings in a week. I asked him if he ever displayed them in an exhibition or art event, to which he replied that people like him doesn’t have support of some ‘bara aadmi’ to let them exhibit their art. He was told that nobody acknowledges landscape. I told him that he inspired me very well and I totally appreciate his talent because we often see wealthy people getting a chance to perform arts at different events but people like him always remain unnoticed. He maybe happy with what he earns but a lot of people with same talent have earned so much fame and money so why not him? I only request to people that if they need some great decoration piece or wall painting for their homes and offices. Instead of shopping from highly maintained air conditioned showrooms, buy from him and acknowledge his art because he totally deserve it. #ShareToAware

Shared by Saud Ahmed