Bride & Groom Stopped Their Wedding Celebrations To Help An Injured Motorcyclist

The newlyweds couple, named as John and Sarah, were travelling from their wedding ceremony to the reception when they noticed the road accident. A young motorcyclist collided with a truck and immediately fell to the ground. He was lying on the road with a broken left leg and injured head.
They immediately told their driver to stop the car as they wanted to help the young motorcyclist.
Videos and pictures shared by eyewitnesses shows how this amazing couple gave first aid to the injured motorcyclist and helped secure his head while he was lifted onto a stretcher. They also helped secure the area and direct traffic.
The newlyweds who were still decked out in their wedding suit and wedding gown but they didn’t even hesitate when they instinctively rushed to the scene of the accident to help. As they were both doctors, the couple worked together to apply first aid on the injured young man and even stayed with him until authorities arrived to bring him to the hospital.
Kudos to this dynamic couple for helping those in need. May you guys have a long, fruitful marriage as you carry on saving lives together! This World needs more people like you. We all know by now that real-life heroes don’t wear capes. But this heroic young couple in Krabi has proven that statement to be true.
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