How To Help Others – CoronaVirus Awareness

My Fellow Humans,
It’s high-time, we act responsible and have a bigger heart for those who were or are working as daily wage workers.Whoever will be affected with this chaos created by the pandemic must be taken care of.
Yes I know that there are multiple organizations who are already in action on this but please understand that NOT EVERYONE will be courageous enough to ask for HELP! Either monetary or by asking for ration.
Some people are so very touchy about their self-respect that they would prefer being hungry for days rather asking for food. Yes i have seen such people too.
What we can do is, just take care of your neighbourhood.
- Share meals with your neighbours if not complete one just send over curries, just like old times when our Daadis Nanis use to do.
- Give pocket money to the children of people you think would be needy but aren’t asking for help. Like a kharchi or something so that they won’t feel bad and will get assistance too.
- Try and distribute basic ration bags with whatever amount you can (try and gather from friends and relatives) and give it in nearby under-privileged areas.
- Provide medicines to the elderlies who are ill and live with the people who are daily wagers or work as house-helps etc.
- Buy them Dettol/Lifebuoy/Safe Guard soaps and small bottles of hand sanitizers or hand wash. Make them understand the importance of keeping their hands clean and themselves tidy.
- Visit different slums and underprivileged areas and spread awareness that how can they fight against CoronaVirus
I am not only preaching, I did this! I did whatever I could to help my people. My brothers and sisters who needed my assistance. Who were waiting for someone to come for them.
Please please don’t blame everything on government. We can do our part, let them do theirs. Please understand that the situation is getting worse and WE can do small efforts to help each other. #ShareToAware
Let’s join hands and fight this together!
Shared by Ilma Janib Soomro
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