Now that I’ve discovered myself, I am not going back.

I believe all people have been created for a reason. Everyone is different and unique in talents, skills, abilities, perspectives and experiences. Thus, we just need to discover what we are capable of doing and pave our own respective paths and make our short lives both beautiful and meaningful.
“Disabled people are considered to be the neglected part in the society as they are usually dependent, and sympathized by people.”
I have a rare disease and all the specialists doctors in the country have checked me but they have the same views about my condition: its incurable. But my parents still haven’t lost their hopes. I have strong faith in Allah and I believe in Allah that I’ll too spend the rest of my life as other normal people.”
During school years, I was labelled as ‘the disabled boy.’ This didn’t seem right to me. It had a negative connotation which made me seem helpless and useless for the world. This whole circle of sadness didn’t appeal to me at all. So, I decided to change this identity for good. At that time, I pondered much and tried to figure out what I can do with my life. Yes, I had (and still have) physically defects but there is still so much I could do. Thus, I started using my hands, my brain, my voice and all other things that Allah had blessed me with to make a positive impact in society.
I never received pocket money when I was younger. I remember when I used to ask my dad and how he used to joke about me by saying, “pocket money is for those who have pockets”. My mother usually avoids giving pocket money because in the society some boys adopt bad habits by wasting it. She didn’t give us pocket money but she always provided us with all the facilities which were needed in my life. But the truth is I have a happy family.
My entire life has been a struggle to know who I truly was. Now that I’ve discovered myself, I am not going back. The realization liberated me, had me kick out the thoughts of, ‘log kia kahain gae’ (what would people say). I simply stopped caring. I neither accepted defeat nor gave up. I am a physically challenged boy and I had 2 operations of my leg & arm but none was successful. After these operations I started studying in a school and didn’t lose hope. I continued my studies further and now I’m doing O levels from Beacon House School.
My mother’s words about me are, “charisma was always there since the time of his birth. I have a special bonding with him not only as a mother but also of being the one to keep track of his work and engagements. As a parent, I have never stopped him from seeking him ambitions be turned into reality because I see my success in him.”
Some people ask me, ‘what keeps you going?’ I reply that it’s my parents and respected principal and their love & support, as I have always been poor in everything, but I didn’t lose any hope in life and now I am a successful young boy. It really helps me to keep moving forward and I inspire you guys to ‘never give up and be a fighter and a legend’ which is my message to all.
Currently, I am exploring my identity to the national level to provide motivation and inspiration to students who are full of spirit but are resting in deep slumber and heedlessness. #ShareToAware
-Submitted to “Share To Aware” by Moiz Shaukat.