Good NewsNews

A 10 Year Old Hafiz-e-Quran Won The Artificial Intelligence Technology Award In America

10-year-old Pakistani boy along with his family won the Artificial Intelligence award in America, for inventing cavity Crusher. They competed with 7500 participants and were selected in the final 6. Cavity crusher is a special device that uses Artificial intelligence to monitor children tooth brushing habits.

Mohammad Yasir said while researching on the internet he came across a research which mentioned that tooth cavities in children have become number 1 chronic illness in the World. After this shocking research Yasir tried to discover the reason behind it, and he discovered that mostly children don’t brush their teeth for the recommended time which is four minutes.

Since Yasir himself has frequently been scolded by his parents for practicing poor dental hygiene and is aware of children’s fondness of chocolates, sweets, candies, junk food and other sweet edibles, he decided to create something that can resolve this issue and that’s how the internationally acclaimed and award winning idea “Cavity Crusher” was born. Cavity crusher monitors if the child has brushed their teeth or not and for how many minutes they brushed them and send all the information to the parent.

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